“Be patient with everything that is not yet solved in your heart...”

 Rainer Maria Rilke (german poet 1875-1926)

Already in our first encounter the three Malaysian ladies who took part in the proffesional biography training BPBC (Basic Practice Biographical Coaching) in Chengdu, China, threw a big question to us.

“Could we please connect Biography Work with the study of Antroposophy....?”

And yes we heard it, recognized it as a very important request, but also strongly felt: Not yet and not explicidly in this training! You might be ready for this, but this is not our path right now.

The dutch approach of gaining and training knowledge, skills and attitude for Biography Work is pretty much through the doing, just like in life itself:

How does one learn about life? By living and sytematical, concious reflection on your experiences.

That is Biography Work!


Over and over again I thank the german poet Rainer Maria Rilke for his wise and mild guideline on this matter, that does justice to the biographical realities we are all living in all the time.


Be patient with everything that is not yet solved in your heart

and try to look at your questions with love,

as if they were closed rooms

or books, written in a totally different language.


      Do not search for the answers yet.

      They cannot be given to you right now,

      Because you wouldn’t be able to live them.


      Now is the time to live the questions.

      And may be, you then gradually -without

      even noticing- grow into the answers.


We are a couple of years later now.

The questioners graduated from the BPBC and carried on in their advanced program. Our connection grew, together with our age and experience. And the question was still there. But we all are in a different place now and the time seems ripe.


After three preparatory meetings of co-creation, we recently started a series of what we now call

“Atelier-meetings”, in which we -as a group of twelve dedicated participants- find out how to turn the conceptual knowledge of Rudolf Steiners Philosphy of Freedom, into individual perceptual knowledge and how to do that with other people.

So far this is a beautiful and joyful adventure, covering unexplored ground, for which courage and will are the carriying forces. 


Siok Bee reports:
“In this process, I experience a flow from outer concept to form percept inwardly by connecting the outer concept with my own life stories or experience. This creates a new concept of knowledge within me with a clear free will arise from within”.


Lay Yoong tells: 
“I counter inner shock with presence of mind, awaken inner connection & courage”.


In the course of time, we will share more of our experiences on this webpage.